Saturday, October 2, 2010

Novato Farmers Market 9.21.2010


Peace means quiet

Peace means I am happy

Like now

Drawing and painting peace.

by Melissa, 6 years old

Novato Farmers Mareket 9.21.2010

Listen by Natalie

Listen to me

I speak of peace

My peace is reading

My feelings are calm

My world needs a horse

My family needs peace

When Peace is surrounding me

I need you to be calm

Peace is feeling good

Peace is being happy


By Natalie age 8 years old

Listen by Anonymous

Listen to me

I speak of peace

My peace is happy

My feelings are my purpose

My world needs mine

My sadness needs peace

When Peace is far away

I need you to feel happiness

Peace is here

Peace is now


Novato Farmers Market, 9.21.2010

When You Are At Peace You Are Happy…Gabriel

Now drawing

Or writing

Or riding my bike.

By Gabriel, 6 years old

Novato Farmers Market, 9.21.2010

When I'm at Peace, I'm Happy by Jezeleen

I am happy drawing and painting

by Jezeleen, age 3 years old

Novato Farmers Market 9.21.2010

Listen by Cynthia

Listen to me
I speak of peace
My peace is safety for my & others families
My feelings are happiness
My world needs calmness/quiet
My house needs peace
When Peace is around me
I need you to absorb it
Peace is happiness
Peace is calm

by Cynthia age 40

October 2, 2009

Can you effect World Peace?